
My Healthy Self

My Daily Healthy Habits:

  • Eat Healthy, Non Processed Food - in other words learn how to cook healthy food or if you really hate cooking find a very healthy restaurant & I'm not talking about a healthy hamburger place to replace your "eat hamburgers for dinner every day diet" I'm talking about eat 50% Vegetables, 20 to 30% Fruit & the rest should be fish, meat or poultry (if you're a vegan there are supplements at your local health store that have what you're missing when you don't eat meat, poultry or fish) make sure you buy NON-GMO Organic Food, don't eat too many fats, or oils, continue reading my blog posts on healthy vs unhealthy groceries for inspiration
  • ALWAYS HYDRATE - All of our vital organs (brain, heart, bladder, liver, etc...) rely on water to function how they are supposed to, stop drinking crap and drink water also those "flavored waters" or "water flavorers" that's all crap, if you don't like water then it's probably the brand of water you are drinking, there are plenty of water brands and they don't all taste the same unless your taste buds are dead, otherwise, they really don't all taste the same  - my favorite water brands are: Volvic, Jana and Icelandic - normally I drink 3 liters of water a day but now that I'm pregnant I drink twice as much  
  • Exercise - You don't need to be all fancy to exercise: do some basic yoga, there are usually many free yoga places, also you can borrow a DVD from your local library, use the stairs whenever possible, walk instead of driving or taking the bus/train, etc....
  • Daily Supplements  - Before I was pregnant I was taking vitamins essential for women's health from the SOLGAR brand, Solgar vitamins are all vegan & made from plants and vegetables - right now I'm taking prenatal vitamins and since I'm low on iron I'm also taking iron
  • S L E E P - Sleeping relaxes my mind and body - whenever I feel sick, stressed out, tired, etc... I go to sleep & when I wake up, I feel refreshed! This is also a good replacement for those of you who want to meditate but can't, go to sleep. It's almost the same thing to some extent. Tip: Don't over do it with sleeping, you also need to go out for some fresh air and sunlight.
  • Be Happy - Do things that cheer you up, talk to friends and family members that make you laugh or smile,  play with your dog, go buy yourself some dessert or flowers, go to a concert, go for a walk, read your favorite book at the park/library/bookstore/coffee shop, go window shopping, get your nails done, do something you've always wanted to do, etc.... 
  • Shower & Moisturize Routine - After I shower, I always apply moisturizer on throughout my body: my arms, elbows, entire chest, (now that I'm pregnant I use coconut oil from the body shop to moisturizer my nipples, not moisturizing them can sometimes cause they to get dry and crack which leads to infections) 
  • Have Sex - this is personal but the truth is, sex is VERY healthy, it's healthy for your heart and overall health, it also helps relieve stress; so the next time you and your husband are feeling stressed out, go to your bedroom, light up some candles, play some sexy or romantic music and make some amazing love (it isn't healthy if one of you has some sort of bacterial infection or disease on your genitals, that should be taken care of via primary care doctor or holistic primary care doctor)
  • Listen to Music - whenever I can't sleep or do yoga, I go for a quick walk whether it's around my college campus or around the block in my neighborhood with my dog, I always listen to my "PEACE, LOVE & HAPPINESS" play list which of course has exactly that type of music: music that is cheerful and usually about lovely things, peaceful things and happiness (I find it strange that some songs are called "My Happiness" and they are the most depressing songs ever, that's what I consider a 'happy song')

Thanks for Reading!
I hope I've inspired you with my healthy lifestyle! 
x o x o
Amela Sandra

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